Are you a virtuous woman?

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Virtuous Woman Feels Compelled to Share Her Story

I must say that this blog has truly been a blessing to my spirit. I thank GOD for what LOV has done in my life and the lives of others. I have received several emails, phone calls, and face to face thanks for LOV. Therefore, I am requesting that all weekly readers of LOV, leave your comments and testimonies below in the comment area, or on LOV's Facebook page. While your feedback is a blessing to my soul, I am looking to reach more women seeking virtue. And the more they hear your stories of virtue, the more they will be willing to voice their own. Let’s all be a blessing to someone else. You never know what someone is going through, or whose life you can affect. It’s not about us. It’s about GOD and spreading the message of HIS wonderful grace. So tonight, I want to tell the story of GOD's saving grace in my life. He has been so good to me, I am amazed at times.

I grew up in a Baptist church and got baptized when I was 12. At the time it was my understanding that Baptism was the way to reach Heaven; so I said what the heck (I had no idea what true salvation was). My family and I went to church some Sundays, but it wasn't a priority. As I got older I was given the freedom to make my own choices about church, and soon after I began the phase of trying to find myself. When I was 20 years old, I was in college full-time and was on my way to a great career. Not to mention, I was actively dating my college sweetheart on and off. I shopped every weekend, purchased my second vehicle, and always had money in my pocket. I had it all, or so I thought. But while things appeared great on the outside, I felt like I was missing something; I felt incomplete. I wasn't much of a big partier back then, but I decided maybe my problem was that I was often couped up in the house. I decided to join the crowd and party. But after every party and a few drinks, I would go home feeling the same way I did before I left…..ALONE. My college sweetheart who professed to be saved and have a love for GOD, didn't always practice what he preached. And overtime, his lack of consistency, and my confusion lead to a much needed break up. After the break up, I sought refuge in GOD and began attending church on Sunday mornings. I was craving a fulfilling relationship. GOD was working and I had no idea.

One of my girlfriends knew about the break up and invited me to a weekend getaway to clear my head. During the trip, my girlfriend kept speaking about the glory of GOD and how her life had changed. She had this attitude of peace, and just smiled every time she discussed GOD's greatness. This was the fulfilling relationship I was craving. I remember we made a vow to learn more about GOD and committing ourselves to HIM before we committed ourselves to men. I was on fire about building my relationship with GOD. Two days later, I returned home to find that I was pregnant. I revealed the news to my family who was very supportive. My boyfriend and I were no longer together so I had to make the anxious call. After telling my ex-boyfriend, we decided to keep our child and remain only neutral friends.

To say that my pregnancy changed my life is an understatement. Before my pregnancy, I was always on the go. To escape from any problems that I had and loneliness I felt, I kept myself busy. Being pregnant for me was just the opposite. I had to deal with every emotion and event that I tried to escape; it was as if GOD halted my feet. I was lonelier now than ever before. I yearned to build a relationship with my child's father. To make things worse, I was embarrassed for allowing myself to be in this situation. I knew better.

Surprisingly, months into my pregnancy, my son's father and I began to build a friendship, (something we had never done, the 2 years that we were dating). I began to see a change in him and his commitment to GOD. I started attending church with him, and later we sought counseling from his church Pastors. As a result, we made a commitment to date spiritually. Instead of dating alone and in intimacy, we opted to play it safe and keep things Biblical. I even began studying the Bible with one of the ladies at the church. I was amazed and scared all at the same time.

When I was 7 months pregnant, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. As my beloved pastor would say, “SHAZAM! I GOT SAVED.” I was later baptized and became a member of Crossroads Baptist Church. This time, I understood salvation was in Christ alone by GOD’s grace, and baptism was me telling the world that I identify with Christ. Soon after, I gave birth to our first child, Jr. One month later, my son's father asked me for my hand in marriage. When our son was 3 months old, we were wed at our church.

Our two-year anniversary is in a few months and we are so grateful. My husband and I have vowed to strive to keep GOD at the head of our marriage and family. So often I look back at where we've come from and am in awe. We faced so many trials and tribulations to get where we are, but it was all worth it. I am a firm believer that we do not define our paths, but GOD does. Who else would give me the opportunity to marry my best friend? I never thought that I could feel such peace, "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ," (Php 4:6-7). I am a virtuous woman who knows through faith, His word, and His blessings, that my GOD lives.

This is just some of my story.

Will you share yours?

I am a strong virtuous fashionista, who understands GOD’s love, with a family who honors me, virtuous friends who love me, with a giving spirit, and a testimony to share.

Until Next time,


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Remember to Love, Learn, and Own your Virtue.