Are you a virtuous woman?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Be Considerate

As a child one of the most important lessons that my mother taught my brothers and I, was to consider the needs of others first.  Now as a mom, I find myself repeating this same thing to my young sons; put others before yourself.  Tonight, I want to share with you some of the examples that I am teaching my boys when it comes to considering others:

-          When calling someone on the phone- Say hello. Then ask how they are doing, and listen with sincerity, before jumping right into your own problems. (This says I care about what you have to say also).

-          When going to a family member/close friend’s house for dinner, ask if there is anything that you can bring or take something with you.

-          If a close friend comes to you needing to vent, don’t begin talking about your own life. Listen!

-          Try not to talk so much about yourself and your possessions (it’s very unflattering).

-          Arrive on time for work, events, and activities (others are always affected).

-          Pray for others, even when YOU need prayer the most.

Can you relate to any of these lessons or do you have lessons of your own that you could share with others to help show God’s love?

While some of the items from the list above are comical, we are all guilty of doing these impolite gestures on a daily basis. But God’s word commands us to consider others before ourselves, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others,” (Philip 2:3-4).

When we put others first, we are simply showing love-God’s love.  Let’s do a better job of representing our Savior.

With LOV,


Once raised by a Virtuous single mother, I am now a SAVED and strong Virtuous, Fashionista, that has been freed from a broken heart with God’s love, who accepts when God says ‘No”, who cherishes my best friend, who fears the Lord, who’s best friend is the Lord, that waits on discernment from God, who is living for today, who is a woman of strength, that understands the power of my words, that is aware of God’s presence, is allowing my light to shine, whose growing to be more passionate about serving the Lord, who can listen without pride to constructive criticism, whose fear does not hold me back, who runs to the Lord first about everything, who strives to stay on God’s course, who is saved by the grace of God, who admits to being envious of others at times, who knows my worth, has a calming peace, who gives thanks daily, who wants to be a godly example to others, who is able to forgive my enemies, who has high expectations of me, who has been created in God’s own image, who lovingly submits to my spouse, who understands God's love, has an intimate relationship with God, supports Breast Cancer Awareness, with a family who honors me, Virtuous friends who love me, and with a giving spirit.

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Remember to Love, Learn, and Own your Virtue.