Are you a virtuous woman?

Monday, June 18, 2012


One of the most intimate times that I have shared with my husband is praying with him. I can remember during our first year of marriage we had an argument. We were both so upset that he went to one room and me to another.  After putting our son down for bed, my husband asked me to come into our living room to kneel down and pray with him.  I was so angry and still in my pride so I told him that I would listen to him pray but that I would pray on my own time. I still felt like I needed my own space. As we got down on our knees, I listened to my husband as he asked for forgiveness in the way that we had been treating one another. He asked God to help us to grow in His word and to show us how to honor His covenant of marriage. Listening to him pray, my pent-up anger and the pride stirring deep inside of me began to escape. I began to humble myself. As my husband ended his prayer with an “Amen,” I began my prayer (both of us still kneeling) with “thank you God for giving me a husband who wants to pray with me and for me even when I don’t.”

We must be transparent when we go to God. God knows us better than we know ourselves. In order for Him to answer our prayers we must first come to Him as if we need Him, and not as if we’re doing Him a favor. We do a great deal of wasting time when we go to God with negative hearts and thoughts, thinking that God is going to bless our desires. If you’re heart is not in it, God’s ear is not in it.

The Bible encourages us that God is listening to us when we pray. He seeks to hear from us and answers our prayers when they are in His will.  John 14: 13-14 states, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”
Let’s all work on humbling ourselves before conversing with our Father.

Working to be more transparent,


Once raised by a Virtuous single mother, I am now a SAVED and strong Virtuous, Fashionista, that has been freed from a broken heart with God’s love, who accepts when God says ‘No”, who cherishes my best friend, who fears the Lord, who’s best friend is the Lord, that waits on discernment from God, who is living for today, who is a woman of strength, that understands the power of my words, that is aware of God’s presence, is allowing my light to shine, whose growing to be more passionate about serving the Lord, who can listen without pride to constructive criticism, whose fear does not hold me back, who runs to the Lord first about everything, who strives to stay on God’s course, who is saved by the grace of God, who admits to being envious of others at times, who knows my worth, has a calming peace, who gives thanks daily, who wants to be a godly example to others, who is able to forgive my enemies, who has high expectations of me, who has been created in God’s own image, who lovingly submits to my spouse, who understands God's love, has an intimate relationship with God, supports Breast Cancer Awareness, with a family who honors me, Virtuous friends who love me, and with a giving spirit.

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Remember to Love, Learn, and Own your Virtue.